The Denan-Canada Research Partnership
(formerly known as Ottawa-Ogaden Region Research Partnership)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Denise L. Spitzer (University of Ottawa)
Co-Investigators: Mr. Mohamed Abdulkadir (Organization for Welfare and Development in Action), Mr. Sied Muhumed Jibril (Jigjiga University), Mr. Najib Abdi Hassen (Jigjiga University),
Project Coordinator: Ms. Hodan Mohamed (University of Ottawa)
Research Coordinators: Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim and Mr. Abdulkarim Mohamed (Jigjiga University)
Project Assistant: Abdulkadir Adbulahi (Organization for Welfare and Development in Action)
Research Assistants: Ms. Fadume Gure (University of Ottawa), Ms. Zahra Saidhersi (University of Alberta)
Summary of Project:
The overarching goal of the Denan-Canada Research Partnership was to establish a collaboration between: the Canadian principal investigator, Jijiga University, the first university established in Ethiopia’s Somali Region, and the Organization for Welfare and Development in Action (OWDA) to share knowledge, skills, and model an equitable transnational research collaboration. Working together, we examined the multiple impacts of the Denan Project, a health, educational and community economic development centre on the local populace as they coped with changing lifeways, the effects of climate change, and shifting gender roles and ideologies.
Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Partnership Development Grant