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Sharing Our Stories, Multiplying Our Strength: An Exhibit of Art from Canadian, Peruvian, and Indonesian Indigenous and Migrant Women with Lived Experience of Forced Sterilization and Coerced Contraception


Principal Investigator: Dr. Denise L. Spitzer (University of Alberta)

Co-Investigators: Kristin Black (University of Calgary); Vera Caine (University of Victoria); Jana Grekul (University of Alberta); Carla Jamison(Poundmaker’s Lodge);Paulina Johnson(University of Alberta); Jill Konkin(University of Alberta)

Research Coordinator: Marieliv Flores Villalobos

Summary of Project:

The goal of this initiative is to leave a living legacy of our project, Forced Sterilization and Coerced Contraception (FSCC): Towards a Multinational Agenda,  by:

  1. Creating an exhibition of works generated by survivors of FSCC to be housed at Poundmaker’s Lodge, an Indigenous healing centre on Treaty 6 territory, and our community partner, that: (i) illuminates the experiences of FSCC survivors—Indigenous women from Canada and Peru and former migrant workers from Indonesia—who have shared their stories through arts-based methods; (ii) highlights the interactions amongst survivors, researchers, and advocates at the Forced Sterilization and Coerced Contraception: Towards a Multinational Agenda summit; (iii) engages Indigenous Elders and Indigenous (Nêhiyaw) knowledge to support survivors and inform exhibition viewers; (iv) educates viewers about the ongoing practices and legacies of FSCC; (v) offers space for exhibition viewers to add their reflections; and (vi) can be fashioned as a mobile exhibit to make it available to disparate audiences;

  2. Hosting an opening of the exhibition that: (i) brings together women with lived experience of FSCC with policymakers, healthcare providers, members of Indigenous communities, and researchers (the categories of which overlap); (ii) generates discussion through presentations and a sharing circle; and (iii) invites additions to the exhibition through textual commentary and creative expression; and by

  3. Facilitating knowledge exchange by: (i) organizing exhibitions and discussions of “Sharing Our Stories, Multiplying Our Strength” in Indigenous communities and for policy and practitioner audiences; and (ii) producing lay and scholarly publications and presentations.

Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Kule Institute for Advanced Study