Forced Sterilization and Coerced Contraception: Towards a Multi-National Agenda

Principal Investigator: Dr. Denise L. Spitzer (University of Alberta)
Research Coordinator: Marieliv Flores Villalobos
Co-Investigators: Yuni Asriyanti, Rey Asis, Josie C. Auger, Alejandra Ballón, Kristin Black, Vera Caine, Siobhan Dreelan, Jana Grekul, Paulina Johnson, Karsiwen, Jill Konkin, Susanne Luhmann, Tania Pariona Tarqui, Budi Wahyuni
Research Assistant: Trishtina Godoy-Contois
Project Coordinator: Andrea Burkhar
Summary of Project:
Forced Sterilization and Coerced Contraception (FSCC): Towards a Multinational Agenda is a research collaboration whose goal was to generate a research agenda grounded in the experiences and desires of Indigenous women from Canada and Peru and former migrant workers from Indonesia who have lived experience of FSCC. Using participatory arts-based methods, survivors shared their stories with researchers and advocates and met to explore the historical, political, social, and cultural particularities and commonalities of FSCC in Canada, Indonesia, and Peru and propose best practices for engaging in future research and action.
We express our gratitude to all who participated in the Forced Sterilization and Coerced Contraception: Towards A Multi-National Agenda Summit and the activities leading up to it, especially to the survivors who shared their time, knowledge, and stories. We also appreciate the support of the artists, interpreters, Poundmaker’s Lodge Treatment Centre (established 1973), and Flat Studio.
We thank the Whiskeyjack Art House for hosting the exhibition Weaving Hearts, Healing Together.

About the Project
1. Women Healing Together

Forced Sterilization and Coerced Contraception (FSCC) is one of many practices used to control women’s reproduction. FSCC refers to forcibly or coercively ensuring that women can no longer procreate permanently or temporarily. In Canada, recent revelations have demonstrated these practices that particularly target Indigenous women persist, while in Indonesia, the government continues to strengthen agreements with companies and migrant-receiving countries that limit the reproductive rights of migrant women workers, and in Peru, after 25 years, women who underwent forced sterilization keep pursuing justice.
Forced Sterilization and Coerced Contraception: Towards a Multinational Agenda is a research project whose goal is to generate a FSCC research agenda with survivors by proposing best practices for studying this topic for researchers and survivors, and exploring historical, political, social, and cultural particularities and commonalities of FSCC in Canada, Indonesia, and Peru.
From October to November 2021, we hosted a series of multilingual web-discussions with researchers and advocates, policymakers and private sector representatives, women with lived experience, and healthcare professionals from Canada, Indonesia, and Peru. During the conversations, FSCC survivors mentioned that they were interested in participating in arts-based healing-oriented research.
In spring 2022, we had the opportunity to build a partnership, strengthened in ceremony, with Poundmaker’s Lodge Treatment Centre in Alberta, Canada. This relationship helped us work with Indigenous Canadian women who, working in ceremony, used creative arts to share their responses to forced sterilization. Meanwhile in Indonesia and Peru, local researchers also built and implemented art-based methodologies to explore the healing process of survivors, including ceremonies according to their protocols.
From August 17 – 22, 2022, we hosted the Forced Sterilization and Coerced Contraception: Towards A Multi-National Agenda summit, in Edmonton, Alberta in Amiskwacihwaskihan, Treaty 6 Territory. With the main objective to bring together survivors, advocates, and researchers from the three countries and have a space where we could share our backgrounds, expectations, and journeys.
This project is one of many efforts to contribute to survivors’ claims. We hope to continue joining forces in order to keep working toward justice. If you want to know more about the project, you can visit our web-discussion report.
2. Telling Our Stories information
After the web-discussions of 2021, we initiated Telling Our Stories (TOS) in each country, working with survivors and artists to develop art-based methods based to explore the healing processes and struggles of survivors. Their artwork contributed to the summit’s exhibit: Weaving Hearts, Healing Together.
Watch the Videos
Here is a brief summary of the activities:

Art Exhibit
The Forced Sterilization and Coerced Contraception: Towards A Multi-National Agenda Summit was the first gathering for the project team and survivors of the three countries. During this event hosted at the University of Alberta, researchers, advocates, and survivors sought to tease out commonalities and differences in women’s experiences based on the survivor’s struggles and aims for their future.
Following the idea of the importance of the artwork as a tool to navigate women’s struggles, we also generated collective creative expressions emerging from our reflections. The result was a collective artwork that was presented at the exhibit, with the artwork of the Telling Our Stories projects.
These pictures and videos were part of the exhibition curated by Renee Hart and hosted by Whiskeyjack Art House.
More Resources
Sacred Bundles Unborn by Morningstar Mercredi
Morningstar a Warrior’s Spirit by Morningstar Mercredi
The Coercive Sterilization of Aboriginal Women in Canada by Karen Stote
Forced and Coerced Sterilization of Indigenous Peoples: Considerations for Health Care Providers by Kristin A. Black MD, Rebecca Rich MD, MSc and Cassandra Felske-Durksen MD
Coerced and forced sterilization of Indigenous women and girls: This is what genocide looks like in Canada by Alisa Lombard
Forced and Coerced Sterilization of Persons in Canada by Senate of Canada
Exploited For Profit, Failed By Governments Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers Trafficked To Hong Kong by Amnesty International Ltd
To learn more about the work in Indonesia with migrant workers, visit https://kabarbumi.or.id/
Perú: Las esterilizaciones forzadas, en la década del terror. Acompañando la batalla de las mujeres por la verdad, la justicia y las reparaciones by Alberto Chirif (Ed)
The Effects of Postconflict Memory Forced Sterilization in Peru by Alejandra Ballón Gutiérrez
¿Planificación Familiar? Actitudes hacia las políticas de población familiar y el control de la natalidad by Alejandra Ballón Gutiérrez, Natalia Sánchez Loayza, and Ana Muñoz Padrós
El caso peruano de esterilizaciones forzadas: Una pieza clave del conflicto armado interno by Alejandra Ballón Gutiérrez
The application of surgical contraception and reproductive rights III by Ombudsman’s Office
Memoirs of the Peruvian Case of Forced Sterilization by Alejandra Ballón Gutiérrez
Hijacking Global Feminism: Feminists, the Catholic Church, and the Family Planning Debacle in Peru by Ewig
Nada personal human rights report on the application of surgical contraception in Peru 1996 – 1998 by the Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women’s Rights.
The Stories of the Forced Sterilizations in Peru: The Power of Women’s Voices by Marieliv Flores Villalobos