Select Chapters

- “COVID-19 and the Intersections of Gender, Migration Status, Work, and Place.” Spitzer DL. (2023). In M. McAuliffe, C. Bauloz (eds.) Research Handbook on Migration, Gender and COVID-19. London: Elgar. Pp. 48-62. DOI:
- “(Re)materializing Intersectionality in Transnational Context.” Spitzer DL. (2023). In Transnationalism, Intersectionality, and Immigrant Lives: Critical Issues and Approaches to International Migration, E. Shizha and E. Makwarimba (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 29-43.
- “Migrant Family Separation, Reunification, and Recalibration.” Spitzer DL, and *Torres, S. (2023). In Handbook of Migration and the Family, edited by J. Waters and B. Yeoh. London: Edward Elgar. Pp. 366-384. DOI:
- “Intersectionality: From Migrant Health Care to Migrant Health Equity.” Spitzer, D. L (2022). In Migration and Health, edited by S. Galea, C. Ettman, and M. Zaman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. 186-193.
- “Oppression and Im/migrant Health in Canada.” Spitzer, D. L and *Torres, S. (2021). In Oppression and Health-2nd edition, edited by E. McGibbon. Halifax: Fernwood Press. Pp. 119-133.
- “Precarious Lives, Fertile Resistance: Migrant Domestic Workers, Gender, Citizenship, and Well-Being.” (2020). Spitzer, D. L. In Globalizing Gender, Gendering Globalization, Gül Çalışkan, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 142-157.
- “Bodies at Work: Gender, Performance, Place, and Migrant Beer Sellers in Southeast Asia.” (2020) Spitzer, D. L. In The Asian Migrant’s Body: Emotion, Gender, and Sexuality, Michiel Baas, ed. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press. Pp. 53-68.
- “Migration and Health through an Intersectional Lens.” (2016). Spitzer, D. L. In Handbook of Migration and Health, Felicity Thomas, ed. London: Elgar. Pp. 75-94. DOI:
- “Engendered Movements: Migration, Gender, and Health in a Globalized World.” (2016). Spitzer, D. L. In Handbook of Gender and Health, Jasmine Gideon, ed. London: Elgar. Pp. 251- 267 DOI:
- “Crossing Cultural and Bodily Boundaries of Migration and Menopause.” (2009). Spitzer, D. L. In Crossing Cultural Boundaries, L. Hernandez and S. Krajewski, eds. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Pp. 148-158.
- “Policy (In) Action: Policy-Making, Health and Migrant Women.” (2009). Spitzer, D. L. In Racialized Immigrant Women in Canada: Essays on Health, Violence and Equity, V. Agnew, ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Pp. 137-162.
- “Ayurvedic Tourism in Kerala: Local Identities and Global Markets.” (2008). Spitzer, D. L. In Asia on Tour: The Rise of the Asian Tourist, T. Winter, P. Teo and T. C. Lee, eds. London: Routledge/Curzon Press, Pp. 138-150.
“Intersectional and Embodied: Migration as a Social Determinant of Health.” Spitzer DL. (2025). In T. Bryant (ed.) Handbook on the Social Determinants of Health. London: Elgar. Pp.204-219.