Academic Presentations
- The Lives of Migrant Remittances: A Participatory Research Project. Spitzer, D. L. (2023). Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia, December 12.
- The Lives of Migrant Remittances: Challenging the Migration and Development Nexus. Spitzer, D. L. (2023). Southeast Asia Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, September 6.
- COVID-19 and the Intersections of Gender, Temporary Migration Status, Work, and Place: Focus on Hong Kong and Ontario, Canada. Spitzer, D. L. (2022). GBA+ Expert Network Forum. IOM Geneva, Switzerland and IRCC, Ottawa, Canada, November 15.
- Gender, Migration, Place and COVID-19: Panel. Spitzer, D. L. (2022). The Impacts of COVID-19 on Migration and Migrants from a Gender Perspective, IOM. Geneva, Switzerland/Ottawa, Canada, June 1.
- From Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) to Intersectionality: A Canadian Perspective. Spitzer, D. L. (2021). Mangalore University, UGC Centre for Women’s Studies, Mangalore, India, March 16.
- Migration Matters: Intersectionality, Equity, and Health Professional Education. Spitzer, D. L. (2021). World Health Summit M8 Alliance. Rome, Italy, September 7.
- Whose Family Matters? Intersectionality and Immigration Policies. Spitzer, D. L. (2019). Berlin Science Week, “Gender Matters/Geschleterfragen: Innovation Through Intersectionality: A German-Canadian Dialogue’, Canadian Embassy, Berlin, Germany, November 7.
- Participatory Visual Storytelling Methodology. Spitzer, D. L. (2018). Western Sydney University, Australia, November 6.
- The In-Between Worlds of Migrant Beer Sellers in Southeast Asia. Spitzer, D. L. (2016). National University of Singapore, Singapore, November 29.
- Familiar Strangers: Migrant Family Reunification in Canada. Spitzer, D. L. (2014). United Nations North American Experts’ Group Meeting. Mexico City, Mexico, May 12.
- Collaborating Across Difference: An Examination of Participatory Feminist Research. Spitzer, D. L. (2014). Kırıkkale University, Kırıkkale, Turkey, September 12.
- Towards Equitable Relationships in Health Research. Spitzer, D. L. (2013). Codillera Regional Health Research and Development Consortium, University of Baguio, Baguio, the Philippines, February 19.
- Re-United: Visualizing Reunification Experiences of Transnational Filipino Families in Canada. Spitzer, D. L. (2013). Jesse M. Robredo Institute of Governance, De La Salle University, Manila, the Philippines, July 24.
- Transnational Transitions: Filipino Migrant Workers in Canada’s Live-In Caregiver Program. Spitzer, D. L. (2011). Southeast Asian Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 8.
- Work, Worry and Weariness: Engendering Migrant Health in Canada. Spitzer, D. L. (2008). Globalization of Intimacies: Body, Gender and Commodification, the University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, May 26.
- Negotiating Identities: African Women in Alberta. Spitzer, D. L. (2006). Power, Gender and Social Change in Africa and the Diaspora, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, April 22.
- Inclusive and Relational Mentoring for Graduate Students Doing Qualitative Research: Panel Discussion. Spitzer, D. L. (2024). Thinking Qualitatively/Doing Intersectionality, University of Alberta, April 26.
- Intersectionality and Migrant Health: The Need for Structural Enquiry. Spitzer, D. L. (2024). Beyond Technology, Beyond Healthcare Logistics, Women’s Hospital/University of Toronto, April 9.
- Border Crossings: Spatiality, Temporality, and Doing Transnational Intersectionality. Spitzer, D. L. (2023). Thinking Qualitatively/Doing Intersectionality, University of Alberta, June 19.
- Situating Intersectionality in Migrant Health. Spitzer, D. L. (2021). UBC Centre for Migration Studies, University of British Columbia, February 10.
- Replacement Parts: Disposability of Migrant Workers in the Canadian Labour Market. Spitzer, D. L. (2018). Institute for the Study of International Development, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, November 16.
- Moving Images: Visual Story Telling and Transnational Filipino Family Reunification. Spitzer, D. L. (2018). Gender, Migration, and Contemporary (Im)mobilities in Asia Lecture Series, York Centre for Asian Research, York University, Toronto, Ontario, November 13.

- Now You See Them, Now You Don’t”: Matters of Migrant Bodies and Health. Spitzer, D. L. (2014). The Western Centre for Research on Migration and Ethnic Relations, Western University, London, Ontario, February 27.
- Is Migrating to Canada Bad for Your Health? Spitzer, D. L. (2011). Peoples Health Matters Lecture, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Canada, February 11.
- Unpacking the Loss of the Healthy Immigrant Effect: A Contribution from Anthropology. Spitzer, D. L. (2011). Sally Weaver Memorial Lecture in Applied Anthropology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, November 22.
- The Complex Lifeways of Migrant Remittances. Spitzer, D. L. (2024). 13th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Surabaya, Indonesia, July 29.
- Exploring Healing-Oriented Methods with Survivors of Forced Sterilization and Coerced Contraception from Canada, Indonesia, and Peru. *Flores Villalobos, M., Spitzer, D. L. and Caine, V. (2024). Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, USA, March 28.
- POETRY in Action: Expressions of Collaboration in Participatory Research. Spitzer, D. L. and *Sanchez, M.C. (2024). Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, USA, March 27.
- Precarious Lives Among Migrants Working in Transnational Meat Processing Facilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Multi-Centre Case Study from Alberta. Magwood, O, Spitzer, D. L., Hassan, N., Antonio, M., Yemane, M., Alayche, I., Sahilie, A., Youssef, M., Ramirez Cerino, E., Holbrook, L., Saad, A., Hussain, Z., Fabreau, G., and Pottie, K. (2023). North American Refugee Health Conference, Calgary, Canada, July 22.
- Disrupting the Migration and Development Discourse: The “Real” Lives of Migrant Remittances. Spitzer, D. L., *Sanchez, M.C., Ham, J., Lestari, E., Asis, A., and Karsiwen. (2022). American Anthropological Association, Seattle, USA, November 13.
- Multi-Verse Methodology: Lessons for Migration Research in Asia. Spitzer, D. L., S, *Sanchez, M.C., Lapto, F.K, and Chow, L. Z. (2022). Migration Methodologies, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, January 21.
- The View from Denan: Gender and Education in a Changing Community. Spitzer, D. L., *Mohamed, H., *Saidhersi, Z., Hassen, N. and Abdikadir, M. (2020). 1st Somali Regional Studies Conference, Jigjiga, Ethiopia, December 11.
- From Hong Kong with Love (Sweat and Tears): Migrant Remittances and the Migration as Development Paradigm. Spitzer, D. L. (2019). 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Leiden, Netherlands, July 19.
- “Clients are King”: Migrant Beer Sellers, Customers, and the Performance of Intimate Labour. Spitzer, D. L. (2018). Love’s Labour’s Cost? Asian Migration, Intimate Labour, and the Politics of Gender, Singapore, December 3.
- Bodies at Work: Gendered Performance, Place, and Migrant Beer Sellers in Southeast Asia. Spitzer, D. L. (2017). 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Chiang Mai, Thailand, July 18.
- Lessons from North-South Collaborations: Towards More Equitable International Research Partnerships. Spitzer, D. L., Mohamed, H*., Abdulkadir, M., and Abdi, N. (2017). Society for Applied Anthropology, Sante Fe, USA, March 29.